Private Training and Fitness Clinics
Personal trainers are certified professionals with varying degrees of specialty.
Personal training is designed to accomplish many things: health and fitness goals, weight loss and management, and improved athletic performance.
Whether you are recovering from an injury, preparing for an event, or just need to kick start your motivation – Personal Training is for you!
Personal Training sessions are by appointment only. Please contact our fitness director– Lei by email 2fitness@theoahuclub.com
FREE FITNESS: If you would like a personalized tour of the weight-room or a 30 minute fitness assessment, contact us at 2fitness@theoahuclub.com
Here’s what some people are saying…..
“At 87 years, I have had some problems with my hips, lower back and balance. You have designed a weekly hour of exercise to strengthen and ease these areas as well as tone the rest of my body – thank you.” Alice Stanley
“Wonderful. I can now fit comfortably into my pre-pregnancy clothes from 8 years ago.” Svetlana Bianchetti
You're only
one workout
away from
good mood!
Why do I work with a personal trainer?
The number one reason I work with a personal trainer is in the name: it’s personal. No two bodies are the same and therefore no two workouts will work the same. My fitness goals are unique to my situation and I want a program that is customized for my needs. Personal training meets those needs.
I work with Lei on a weekly basis. She constantly assesses my changing fitness needs and creates exercises for me to increase my strength, stamina and balance. Whether I’m feeling good and strong or having a day where I feel poorly, Lei is able to adapt and find an exercise that will benefit me.
Additionally, personal training provides me with a safer and injury-free workout since Lei is always there to assist with the weights. I’m already trying to rehab a few injuries and she provides the guidance I need to ensure my form is always correct, which helps me to manage the recovery from those injuries.
I’ve learned so much from my personal training experience and I’m thrilled with my progress!
Vickie, Oahu Club Member since 2014